-Osaka Chamber of Commerce-

[Concept Demonstration Promotion Team Osaka]
Demonstration Project Entry Sheet for Foreign Companies

Please fill in the following boxes and press the "Submit" button.

If you would like to conduct a demonstration project at facilities related to the Osaka Prefectural Government or Osaka City Government, or in a field provided by a private company or organization, please fill in the necessary items below and submit this form to the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Secretariat.
After the submission of this form, you will be contacted by the Secretariat for an interview by telephone, etc.
1. Head office address of the company to conduct the demonstration
Company name Required

Name of representative Required

Address Required

Year established

Number of employees

URL Required

Outline of operations (within 1000 letters). Required

2. Information on companies in Japan that support companies in 1 above
Are there any Japanese companies that support companies?
(Agency, partner company, etc. If no such place of business exists, no need to fill.)
Company name (companies in Japan that support companies)Required

Name of representative (companies in Japan that support companies)

Address (companies in Japan that support companies)

Year established (companies in Japan that support companies)

Capital (companies in Japan that support companies)
Number of employees (companies in Japan that support companies)

URL (companies in Japan that support companies)

Outline of operations (within 1000 letters).
(companies in Japan that support companies)

3. Contact information for this demonstration project
Name of contact Required

Division and executive position Required

Tel. No. Required
  • + -
  • -
E-mail Required

4. Desired demonstration project field.
Please enter check for the relevant field. Required
5. Outline of desired demonstration project.
Demonstration project name Required

Outline and innovation of the product or service to be demonstratedRequired
(within 2000 letters).
* Please describe the outline of the products (including prototypes) or services, etc., to be demonstrated, the needs and problems that the project aims to solve, and the innovation in the product or service, etc., while also mentioning the trends at other companies in Japan and overseas.

Items to be verified (within 1000 letters). Required

Period of time required for verification (within 1000 letters). Required

Current status of business (within 2000 letters).Required
(Technology verification stage, prototype developed, service model constructed, commercialized, etc.)

Desired field (within 2000 letters).Required
Please provide a specific location or image.

Other requests (if any)
(within 1000 letters).

6. Items to be confirmed.
Have you checked the ""Regulations for the Implementation of Demonstration Projects""?
* Please check the ""Regulations for the Implementation of Demonstration Projects"".
Languages that can be used when the Secretariat communicates with you.
[Supplementary materials]
    * Please attach any documents you have related to the demonstration project. Any format is acceptable.
  • * Any personal information sent to us will be used for communication and information provision from the Osaka Prefectural Government, Osaka City Government and the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • * The contents of this entry sheet and supplementary materials will be viewed by the Osaka Prefectural Government, Osaka City Government and the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Please be aware of this when entering the details.
  • * To ensure thorough information management, please do not enter any information that cannot be disclosed, such as trade secrets and know-how.
ご登録される情報は、暗号化された通信(SSL)で保護され、プライバシーマークやISO27001/JIS Q 27001, ISO27017, ISO20000-1, ISO9001などの認証を取得している株式会社パイプドビッツによる情報管理システム「スパイラル」で安全に管理されます。